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Bachelor of Arts-Master of Arts (B.A.-M.A.) Program

The Bachelor of Arts-Master of Arts (B.A.-M.A.) Program is an option for entering freshmen with superior academic backgrounds. Students may arrange with departments offering both the B.A. and M.A. a suitable course of study that, at the end of four years, will lead to simultaneous awarding of the degrees. To be eligible, entering freshmen must have high school averages of better than 90 and scores of at least 600 in the verbal and mathematics sections, respectively, of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Matriculated students who wish to be considered must have achieved a cumulative index of at least 3.4 in no more than fifty-four earned credits. The B.A.-M.A. Program requires attendance in at least one Lehman College summer session, preferably between the junior and senior years or after completion of ninety credits.