Permanent Instructional Staff (Teaching)
Updated as of: February 7, 2025
Adams, Maeve, Asst. Prof., Engl.: B.A., Smith Coll.; M.A., Univ. of Kent; M.A., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Adams-Torres, Julissa Doct. Lect., Soc. Wk.: B.A., M.S.W., Lehman Coll.; Ph.D., Adelphi Univ.
Adjapong, Edmund, Assoc. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh Ed: B.S., Plattsburgh, SUNY; M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Ahmed, Siraj, Prof., Engl.: B.A., Univ. of Penn.; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Aisemberg, Gabriel, Asst. Prof., Biol. Sci.: M.Sci., Ph.D., Univ. of Buenos Aires—Argentina.
Alborn, Timothy, Dist. Prof., Hist.: B.A., Ph.D., Harvard Univ.
Alexander-Street, Ayanna, Lect., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Univ. of Connecticut; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Allebban, Eman, Asst. Prof., Philos.: B.A., Univ. of Michigan, Dearborn; Ph.D., McGill Univ.
Almodovar, Diana, Doct. Lect., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.A., Lehman Coll.; M.A., Queens Coll., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Alonso, Orlando, Assoc. Prof., Middle & High School Ed.: B.S., High Inst. of Pedagogy Felix Varela; M.A., City Coll. of New York; Ed.D., Columbia Univ.
Amarante, Sarswati, Sen. Lab. Tech., Chem: B.S., M.S., St. John's Univ.
Amend, Allison, Prof., Engl.: B.A., Stanford Univ.; M.F.A., Univ. of Iowa.
Anchordoqui, Luis, Prof., Phys. & Astron.: B.S., Ph.D., Univ. Nacional de La Plata—Argentina.
Anderson, James, Prof., Engl.: B.A., Washington Univ.; M.S., Columbia Univ.
Anekstein, Alyse M., Asst. Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., State Univ. of New York at Albany; M.S., Univ. of Nevada—Las Vegas; Ph.D., Idaho State Univ.
Arzola, Rebecca, Lect., Gov. Infr.-Stud. Engag.: B.A., M.S., Lehman Coll.; M.L.S., Pratt Inst.
Auclair-Davreux, Marjolaine, Lect., Langs. & Lits.: B.Ed., Univ. Granada, Spain; M. Ed., Univ. Granada, Spain.
Bacon, Michael, Assoc. Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.S., Lehman Coll.
Badillo, David, Assoc. Prof., Lat. Amer. & Latino Stud.: B.A., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Baldwin, Barbara, Clin. Asst. Prof., Nurs.: Nursing Diploma, St. Elizabeth Hospital Sch. of Nurs.; B.S.N., SUNY New Paltz; M.S., Pace Univ.; Post-Master Pediatric Nurse Pract., Hunter Coll.; Post-Master Doc. of Nursing Practice, Brandman Univ.
Bamshad-Alavi, Maryam, Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Univ. of Mass.
Baraldi, Carole, Asst. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., Lehman Coll.; M.S. Long Island Univ.; Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Barreras, Nicole, Sr. Coll. Lab. Tech., Art: B.S., Lehman Coll.
Battipaglia, Diana M., Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.S., M.S., Juilliard Sch.; D.M.A., Eastman Sch. of Music.
Bautista-Thomas, Cindy, Asst. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.S.W., Stony Brook Univ.; M.S.W., Univ. of Albany; M.Phil, Ph.D., CUNY Grad Cent.
Bayne, Gillian, Assoc. Prof., Middle & High School Ed.: B.S., Coll. of New Rochelle; M.A., New York Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Beck, Karin, Assoc. Prof., Langs. & Lits.: M.A., Free Univ. of Berlin; M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Behrstock, Jason, Prof., Math.: B.A., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley; Ph.D., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook.
Belardo, John, Sr., Coll. Lab. Tech., Art: M.F.A., New York Acad. of Art.
Benefo, Kofi, Assoc. Prof., Soc.: B.A., Univ. of Ghana; M.A., Univ. of Iowa; Ph.D., Univ. of Mich.
Bergad, Laird W., Dist. Prof., Lat. Amer. & Latino Stud.: B.A., Univ. of Wisc., M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Pittsburgh.
Bettiol, Renato Ghini, Asst. Prof., Math.: B.S., M.S., Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil; M.S., Ph.D., Univ. of Notre Dame.
Bishop, Shirley, Doct. Lect., Mngt. & Bus. Innov.: A.A.S., BMCC Coll.; B.B.A., Baruch Coll.; Exec. M.S.I.L.R., Baruch Coll.; D.B.A., Walden Univ.
Blachman, Sheila, Lect., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., Queens Coll.; M.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Bloom, Ira, Prof., Pol. Sci.: B.A., City Coll. of New York; J.D., Harvard Univ.
Bonastia, Christopher, Prof., Soc.: B.A., Univ. of Virginia; M.A., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Boston, Nicholas, Assoc. Prof., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., McGill Univ.; M.S., Columbia Univ.
Boylan, Mary, Lect., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.A., M.A., Lehman Coll.
Broderick, Herbert R., III, Prof., Art: A.B., Columbia Coll.; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Brown, Cherryle, Lect., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.S., Medgar Evers Coll.; M.S., Excelsior Coll.; A.B.D., Univ. of Bridgeport.
Brown, Collette, Assoc. Prof., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.S., M.S., Florida A&M Univ.; Ph.D., Walden Univ.
Brown, Marcia, Chief Coll. Lab. Tech., Nurs.: B.A., M.A., Lehman Coll.
Brown, Melissa C., Prof., Art: B.F.A., Rhode Island Sch. of Design; M.F.A., Yale Univ.
Brownson, Carl, Lect., Philos.: B.A., Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Brucker-Cohen, Jonah, Asst. Prof., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., McGill Univ.; M.P.S., New York Univ.; Ph.D., Trinity Coll.
Brusi, Rima, Dist. Lect., Anthro.: B.A., Univ. of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell Univ.
Bryan, Xiomara, Coll. Lab. Tech., Hea. Promo. & Nutr. Sci.: B.S., Lehman Coll.
Bryant, Salita S., Assoc. Prof., Engl.: B.S., Georgia Southern Univ.; M.F.A., New York Univ.; M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Univ. of Miss.
Buckley, Michael, Assoc. Prof., Philos.: B.B.A., Baruch Coll.; B.A., Hunter Coll.; Ph.D., Emory Univ.
Budescu, Mia, Assoc. Prof., Psych.: B.A., Indiana Univ.; M.A., New York Univ.; Ph.D., Temple Univ.
Bues, Carol, Doct. Lect., Nurs.: B.S., Hunter Coll. School of Nursing; M.S.N., Downstate Univ., Coll. of Health Related Profession/School of Nursing; D.N.P., Stony Brook Univ. School of Nursing SUNY.
Buonanotte, Steve, Lect., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Berklee Coll. of Music.
Burke, Martin, Assoc. Prof., Hist.: B.A., City Coll. of New York; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan.
Burns, Mila, Assoc. Prof., Lat. Amer. & Latino Stud.: B.A., M.A., Univ. Federal de Janeiro; M.A., Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Burt, Katherine, Assoc. Prof., Hea. Promo. & Nutr. Sci.: Ph.D., Teachers. Coll., Columbia Univ.
Burton-Pye, Benjamin, Asst. Prof., Chem.: B.Sc., Univ. of Surry; Ph.D., Univ. of Manchester.
Bux, Alex, Asst. Prof., Nurs.: B.A., St. Johns Univ.; B.S., Mercy Univ.; M.S. Lehman Coll.; Ed.D., Univ. of Phoenix.
Campeanu, Sandra, Doct. Lect., Psych.: B.S., McGill Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Toronto.
Cao-Alvira, Jose, Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.A., Univ. of Puerto Rico; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell Univ.
Caprioli, Matthew, Lect., Engl.: B.A., Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage; M.F.A., Hunter Coll.
Carey, Rosalind, Assoc. Prof., Philos.: B.A., Assumption Coll.; Ph.D., Boston Univ.
Carney, James T., Asst. Prof., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., Fordham Univ.; M.A., Coll. of New Rochelle.
Carrellas, Paul, Lect., Art: B.F.A., Swain Sch. of Design; M.F.A., Queens Coll.
Case, Claudia W., Assoc. Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Auburn Univ., Montgomery; M.F.A., D.F.A., Yale Univ.
Castillo-Garsow, Melissa, Asst. Prof., Engl.: B.A., New York Univ.; M.A., Fordham Univ.; Ph.D., Yale Univ.
Castro, Alejandro, Sen. Coll. Lab. Tech., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.S., Lehman Coll.
Cavallo, Stephen A., Assoc. Prof., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.S., State Univ. Coll. of New York—Oneonta; M.S., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Checa, Agustina M., Asst. Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., National Univ. of Cordoba, Argentina; M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Chen, Ning, Prof., Mngt. & Bus. Innov.: B.S., M.S., Nanjing Normal Univ.; Ph.D., East China Normal Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles.
Chen-Hayes, Stuart, Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., M.Ed., Indiana Univ.; Ph.D., Kent State Univ.
Cheng, Hai-ping, Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.S., M.S., Fudan Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Cheng, Shawn, Asst. Prof., Art; B.A., M.F.A., Yale Univ.
Choudhary, Amod, Prof., Mngt. & Bus. Innov.: B.E., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook; M.B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.; J.D., Univ. of Buffalo.
Christensen, Tammy, Doct. Lect., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.S., Hunter Coll.; M.P.H., Tulane Univ.; D.B.A., Thomas Edison State Univ.
Christian, Mark, Prof., Afr. Stud.: B.A., Liverpool Hope Univ.; M.A., Ohio State Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Sheffield, England.
Chudnovsky, Eugene, Dist. Prof., Phys. & Astron.: B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Kharkov Univ.—Ukraine.
Chung, Samantha, Asst. Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: M.A., Hunter Coll.; Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Cleland, Jane., Lect., Engl.: B.A., Univ. of Denver; M.B.A., Babson Coll.; M.F.A., Western Connecticut State Univ.
Colburn, Forrest D., Prof., Lat. Amer. & Latino Stud.: B.A., Univ. of Cal. at Santa Cruz; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell Univ.
Coller, Alexandra, Prof., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., Hunter Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Collett, Jennifer, Assoc. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.S., Boston Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley.
Conner, Peggy, Assoc. Prof., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Conroy, Thomas, Lect., Soc.: B.A., St. Peter's Coll.; M.A., Univ. of Wisc. at Madison; Ph.D., Boston Univ.
Cooper, Wendell, Asst. Prof., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., George Washington Univ.; M.F.A., Hunter Coll.; 500hr RYT, The Yoga School NY.
Cruz, Celia, Doct. Lect., Math.: B.S., M.A., Phillippine Normal Univ.; Ph.D., De La Salle Univ., Phillippines.
Cutler, Cecelia, Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., Barnard Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Das, Atasi, Asst. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.S., James Madison Univ.; M.A., SIT Graduate Inst.; M.Ed., Keene State Coll., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Dauben, Joseph W., Dist. Prof., Hist.: A.B., Claremont Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard Univ.
de la Parra, Columba, Asst. Prof., Chem.: B.S., M.S., ITESM; Ph.D., UPR Medical Sciences Campus.
Deckman, Sherry, Asst. Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., Univ. of Pennsylvania; Ed.M., Ed.D., Harvard Univ. Graduate Sch. of Education.
DeJaynes, Tiffany, Asst. Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., William Jewell Coll.; M.A., Univ. of Kansas; Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
DelaCruz, Juan, Assoc. Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.A., National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., New School for Social Research.
Delevan, Christine, Sr. Coll. Lab. Tech., Biol. Sci.: B.A., Lehman Coll.
DeLooper, John, Asst. Prof., Spec. Coll. Libr.: B.A., Mercy Coll.; M.L.S., Pratt Inst.; D.L.S., Columbia Univ.
Demmer, Craig, Prof., Hea. Promo. & Nutr. Sci.: B.S.S., Univ. of Natal (South Africa); M.A., Brooklyn Coll.; Ed.D., Columbia Univ.
Deri, Melissa, Assoc. Prof., Chem.: B.A., M.S., New York Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
DeSimone, Janet, Assoc. Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., Marist Coll.; M.A., SUNY-New Paltz; P.D., Ed.D., St. John's Univ.
DesRochers, Rick, Prof., Dir. of Theatre, Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Arizona State Univ.; M.F.A., Univ. of Mass.—Amherst; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Dest, Anthony, Asst. Prof., Anthro.: B.A., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Texas at Austin.
Dickson, Darlene, Clin. Asst. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., SUNY Health Science Cent.; M.S. Columbia Univ.; D.N.P., Fairleigh Dickson Univ.
DiGangi, Mario, Prof., Engl.: B.A., M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Dobson, Cassandra, Assoc. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., M.S., Lehman Coll.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Dominguez, Victoria, Asst. Prof., Anthro.: B.A., M.A., New York Univ.; Ph.D., The Ohio State Univ.
Dominique Hersey, Gina, Assoc. Prof., Art: B.F.A., Carnegie-Mellon Univ. and the Corcoran Coll. of Art & Design; M.F.A., Univ. of New Mexico.
Dowling, Rhiannon, Asst. Prof., Hist.: M.A., Univ. of Maryland Baltimore; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley.
Downing, Martin, Asst. Prof., Psych.: B.S., Georgia State Univ.; M.S., Univ. of Tenn. at Chattanooga; Ph.D., CUNY Grad, Cent.
Doyran, Mine, Assoc. Prof., Mngt. & Bus. Innov.: B.A., Bogazici Univ.—Turkey; M.B.A., Iona Coll.; Ph.D., State Univ. of New York—Albany.
Dubetz, Nancy, Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.A., Kent State Univ.; M.A., Ohio State Univ.; Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Dumais, Susan, Prof., Soc.: B.A., Columbia Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard Univ.
Duncan, Monica, Asst. Prof.: Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.F.A., NYSCC School of Art & Design at Alfred Univ.; M.F.A., Univ. of Cal. at San Diego; M.A., Justus-Liebig-Univ. Giessen, Germany.
Duran-Urrea, Evelyn, Asst. Prof., Lang. & Lits.: B.A., Univ. of Sonora (Mexico); M.A., Univ. of Arizona; Ph.D., Penn State Univ.
Ehrenberg, Jonathan, Assoc. Prof., Art: B.A., Brown Univ.; M.F.A., Yale Univ.
Ehrenpreis, Michelle, Asst. Prof., Elec. Resources Libr.: B.A., Ramapo Coll.; M.L.S., Pratt Inst.; M.S., CUNY School Prof. Stud.
Elhakem, Sharif, Chief Coll. Lab. Tech., Chem.: B.S., M.A., Lehman Coll.
Ellefsen, Karen, Doct. Lect., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed. and Middle & H.S. Ed: B.S., Dickinson State Coll.; M.S., SUNY New Paltz, Ph.D., Walden Univ.
Erfani, Amin, Asst. Prof., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., M.A., Stony Brook Univ.; Ph.D., Emory Univ.
Espinosa, Cecilia, Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Arizona State Univ.
Ethan, Danna, Prof., Hea. Promo. & Nutr. Sci.: B.A., Franklin & Marshall Coll.; M.S.W., New York Univ.; M.A., Ed.D., Columbia Univ.
Eubank, Jacob, Asst. Prof., Exc. Sci. & Rec.: B.S., M.Ed., Bowling Green State Univ.; Ed.D., Univ. of North Carolina, Wilmington.
Eure, Eve, Asst. Prof., Engl.: B.A., Smith Coll.; Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania.
Fakhouri, Sameh, Lect., Computer Sci.: B.S., Columbia Univ.; M.S., New York Univ.
Fayne, Harriet, Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., Barnard Coll.; M.A.T., Harvard Univ.; M.A., M.Ed., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Feigenbaum, Itai, Asst. Prof., Computer Sci.: B.S., Rutgers Univ; M.S., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Fenton, Dana, Lect., Soc.: B.A., M.S., New York Univ.
Fera, Joseph, Assoc. Prof., Math.: B.A., Vassar Coll.; Ph.D., Wesleyan Univ.
Fernández, Daniel R., Assoc. Prof., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles.; M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Fernández, Maria, Lect., Engl.: B.A., M.A., New York Univ.
Fiack, Duran, Asst. Prof., Pol. Sci.: B.A., Cal. State Univ. at Sacramento; M.S., Univ. of Cal. at Davis; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Santa Cruz.
Fields, Judith, Asst. Prof., Econ., & Bus.: B.A., M.U.P., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Fisch, Oscar, Prof., Econ., & Bus.: M.A., Univ. of Buenos Aires; M.C.P., Harvard Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley.
Fisher, William G., Assoc. Prof., Engl.: B.A., Vanderbilt Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Penn.
Fletcher, David, Asst. Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., Appalachian State Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Michigan; Ph.D., New York Univ.
Foley, Tara J., Lect., Acctg.: B.A., Mt. Saint Mary Coll.; M.S., Baruch Coll.; C.P.A., New York State.
Font-Navarrete, David, Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Antioch Coll.; M.A., Univ. of Maryland, Coll. Park; Ph.D., York Univ.
Ford, Gary, Assoc. Prof., Afr. Stud.: B.A., Harvard Univ.; J.D., Columbia Univ.; M.F.A., The New School; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland.
Fortunato-Tavares, Talita, Assoc. Prof., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.A., Univ. de São Paulo, Brazil; M.Phil, Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.; Ph.D., Sch. of Medicine, Univ. de São Paulo, Brazil.
Fox-Williams, Brittany, Asst. Prof., Soc.: B.S., Cheyney Univ. of Pennsylvania; M.P.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Fulakeza, Steven, Lect., Computer Sci.: B.S., M.S., Lehman Coll.
Fusco, Lisa, Doct. Lect., Hea. Promo. & Nutr. Sci.: B.A., Hofstra Univ.; M.A., Adelphi Univ.; Ed.D., Columbia Univ.
Gafur, Bibi. N., Sr. Coll. Lab Tech., Chem.: B.S., Lehman Coll.; M.S., City Coll. of New York.
Gallego-Delgado, Julio, Assoc. Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Complutense Univ., Madrid; M.S., National Univ. of Distance Education; Ph.D., Autonoma Univ. of Madrid.
Galvez, Alyshia, Prof., Lat. Amer. & Latino Stud.: B.A., Columbia Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Ganjian, Iraj, Prof., Chem.: Pharm.D., Tehran Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Garanin, Dmitry, Prof., Phys. & Astron.: B.S., M.S., Moscow Inst. of Physics & Tech., USSR; Ph.D., Moscow State Univ., USSR.
Garcia, Melissa, Asst. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.A., Queens Coll.; M.A., Hunter Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Puerto Rico.
Gargalas, Vassilios, Assoc. Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.Sc., Athens Univ., Greece; M.Phil., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Gentry, Kent, Greenhouse CLT; Agriculture: B.S., Univ. of Missouri-Columbia; M.H., Royal Horticultural Society.
Georges, Crystal, Lect., Soc. Wk.: B.S., Syracuse Univ.; M.S.W., Fordham Univ.; M.Phil., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Gerry, Christopher C., Prof., Phys. & Astron.: B.A., M.S., Univ. of Maine; Ph.D., State Univ. of New York at Albany.
Girgis, Habib, Sen. Coll. Lab. Tech., Chem.: B.S., Elmina Univ.
Gningue, Serigne M., Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.S., Univ. of Dakar; M.A., Lehman Coll.; M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Gonzales, Ulises, Lect., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., Univ. of Lima; M.A., Lehman Coll.
Gomez-Gonzalez, Jose, Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.A., Columbia National Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell Univ.
Gonzales-Corzo, Mario, Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers Univ.
Gonzalez, Tailisha, Asst. Prof., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.A., Columbia Univ.; M.S., The New School; M.P.H., Hunter Coll.; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY School of Public Health.
Gonzalez Periche, Patricia, Doct. Lect., Chem.: B.S., Univ. Barcelona.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Goral, Mira, Prof., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.A., Tel-Aviv Univ.; M.A., Queens Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Gorokhovich, Yuri, Assoc. Prof., Earth, Env. & Geo. Spat. Sci.: M.S., Odessa State Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Gottlieb, Barbara, Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., Univ. of Pittsburgh; M.Ed., Lesley Coll.; Ed.D., Northern Illinois Univ.
Graulau, Jeannette, Assoc. Prof., Pol. Sci.: B.A., Univ. of Puerto Rico; Ph.D., Syracuse Univ.
Greenberg, Joy, Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.A., Tufts Univ.; M.S.W., M.B.A., New York Univ.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Guerrero-Berroa, Elizabeth, Asst. Prof., Psych.: B.A., Lehman Coll.; M.A., Queens Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Gulla, Amanda N., Assoc. Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., M.A., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Haghighat, Elhum, Prof., Pol. Sci.: B.A., Rutgers Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Texas; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland.
Haile, Rahwa, Assoc. Prof., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.A., Columbia Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Hankin, Sheila, Asst. Prof., Nurs.: B.A., Queens Coll.; B.S.N., Molloy Coll.; M.A., Adelphi Univ.; M.S.N., Pace Univ.; Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Happaney, Keith R., Assoc. Prof., Psych.: B.A., Lehman Coll.; M.A., Ph.D, Univ. of Cal. at Santa Barbara.
Harcourt-Smith, William E., Assoc. Prof., Anthro.: B.Sc., Kings Coll., London; MS.c., Ph.D., Univ. Coll. London.
Harrison, Elgloria, Prof., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.S., Southern Univ., New Orleans.; M.H.A., Univ. of Maryland Univ. Coll.; M.S., Purdue Univ.; D.M., Univ. of Maryland Univ. Coll.
Harushimana, Immaculee, Assoc. Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., Univ. of Burundi; M.A., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Hattori, Tomohisa, Asst. Prof., Pol. Sci.: B.A., Sarah Lawrence Coll.; M.A.L.D., Fletcher Sch. of Law & Dipl., Tufts Univ.; Ph.D., Yale Univ.
Haxhovia, Tanja, Lect., Math.: M.Phil., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Henning, Jack, Lect., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Univ. of Missouri-Col., M.S., Univ. of Capetown, M.A., Lehman Coll., M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Henriquez-Castillo, Marjorine, Doct. Lect., Psych.: B.A., M.A., Hunter Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Hernandez, Teddy, Sr. Coll Lab. Tech., Nurs.: B.A., M.S.O.L., Lehman Coll.
Hernandez Acevedo, Brenda, Asst. Prof., Nurs.: A.N., B.S.N., Pace Univ.; M.S.N., Lehman Coll.; Ph.D., Capella Univ.
Holochwost, Steven J., Assoc. Prof., Psych.: B.A., Yale Univ.; M.P.A., Univ. of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Honig, Andrea, Lect., Acctg.: B.A., Brandeis Univ.; M.Acc., Washington State Univ.
Hood, Antoine, Sub. Coll. Lab. Tech: B.A., Purchase Coll., SUNY.
Hood, Julia, Lect., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.S., Nyack Coll.; M.S., The Coll. of New Rochelle; Ph.D., Capella Univ.
Holtzman, Benjamin, Asst. Prof., Hist.: M.A., Ph.D., Brown Univ.
Hsu, Sih-Chiao, Asst. Prof., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: M.A., Metropolitan Univ., U.K.; M.S., Univ. Coll. London, U.K.; M.S, M.Phil., Ph.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Hsu, Sophia, Asst. Prof., Engl.: B.A., Univ. of Cal.; M.A., Ph.D., Rice Univ.
Huot, Joseph, Lect., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: M.S.Ed., Lehman Coll.
Hurley, Dene, Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.S., City Univ. of London; M.S., Univ. of Bath; Ph.D., Northeastern Univ.
Hyangmi, Kim, Asst. Prof., Health Sci.: Ph.D., Indiana Univ.
Hyman, David, Assoc. Prof., Engl.: B.A., Vassar Coll.; M.A., Manhattanville Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad Cent.
Jacobs-McFarlane, Charleen, Asst. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., Adelphi Univ.; M.S., Hunter Coll.; Ph.D., Adelphi Univ.
Jimenez, Elpidio, Sr. Coll. Lab. Tech., Phys. & Astron.: A.S., Broward Comm. Coll.; B.S., M.S., Lehman Coll.
Jitianu, Andrei, Prof., Chem.: B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Univ. of Bucharest.
Johnson, Kevin, Lect., Math.: M.A., Lehman Coll.
Johnson, Matthew, Assoc. Prof., Computer Sci.: B.A., Lawrence Univ.; B.S., M.S., Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Johnson, Wanda, Lect./Clin. Placement Coord., Nurs.: B.S., M.S., Lehman Coll.
Jolley, Jennifer, Assoc. Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.M., Univ. of Southern California Thornton Sch. of Music; M.M., D.M.A., Univ. of Cincinnati Coll.-Conservatory of Music.
Jones, Joi, Coll. Lab. Tech., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., Univ. of Alabama at Tuscaloosa; M.A., Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham.
Jordan, Sharon, Assoc. Prof., Art: B.A., Boston Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Joseph, Mary, Assoc. Prof., Nurs.: B.S.N., Arizona State Univ.; M.S.N., Hunter Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad Cent.
Jung, Gwang, Assoc. Prof., Computer Sci.: B.E., M.E., Kyungpook Nat. Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Louisiana—Lafayette.
Kabat, Daniel, Prof., Phys. & Astron.: B.S., Cal. Polytechnic State Univ.; Ph.D., Mass. Inst. of Tech.
Karabali, Dimitra, Prof., Phys. & Astron.: B.S., Univ. of Athens, Greece; Ph.D., Yale Univ.
Karp, Leon, Prof., Math.: B.A., Yeshiva Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Katz, Stacy, Assoc. Prof., Open Resources Libr.-STEM Liaison: B.S., Cornell Univ.; M.L.I.S., Simmons Coll.; M.Ed., Framington State Univ.
Kennelly, Edward, Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.A., Colby Coll.; Ph.D., Washington Univ.
Kim, Boram, Asst. Prof., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.A., M.A., Ewha Womans Univ.; M.S., Emerson Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Kim, Hyangmi, Assoc. Prof., Exc. Sci. & Rec.: B.S., Kookmin Univ—Korea; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana Univ.—Bloomington.
Kim, Nari, Asst. Prof., Mngt. & Bus. Innov.: B.B.A., Kyungbook National Univ.; M.A., State Univ. of New York at Albany; Ph.D., Washington State Univ.
Kolb, Patricia, Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.A., Butler Univ.; M.S.S.A., Case Western Reserve Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., New School for Soc. Research.
Kotzin, Sara, Asst. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.F.A., New York Univ.; M.S.W., Yeshiva Univ.; D.S.W., Univ. of Pennsylvania.
Kurtzman, Thomas, Assoc. Prof., Chem.: B.A., Univ. of Cal. at Santa Cruz; Ph.D., Stanford Univ.
Lado, Beatriz, Assoc. Prof., Langs. & Lits.: Licenciatura, Univ. of Valencia—Spain; M.A., Northwestern State Univ.; M.A., Louisiana State Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., Georgetown Univ.
Laird, Jennifer, Asst. Prof., Soc.: B.S., Univ. of Southern Cal.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Washington.
Lakic, Nikola, Prof., Math.: B.S., Univ. of Belgrade; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Lancaster, Gwendolyn, Asst. Prof., Nurs.: A.A.S., Pace Univ.; B.S.N., M.S.N., Ed.D., Univ. of Phoenix.
Larimer, Amy, Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Connecticut Coll.; M.F.A., Univ. of Wisc. at Milwaukee.
LeGall, Dina, Assoc. Prof., Hist.: B.A., Tel Aviv Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton Univ.
Lehner-Quam, Alison, Assoc. Prof., Education Libr.: B.A., Univ. of Washington; M.L.S., Columbia Univ., M.S., Lehman Coll.
Lerski, Martha, Asst. Prof., Business Libr.: B.A., Univ. of Pennsylvania; M.L.S., Queens Coll.; M.A., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Leung, Irene S., Prof., Earth, Env. Geo. Spat. Sci.: B.A., Univ. of Hong Kong; M.A., Ohio State Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley.
Levy, Teresita, Assoc. Prof., Lat. Amer. & Latino Stud.: B.A., Rollins Coll.; M.S., Long Island Univ.; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Lingyu, Li, Asst. Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: M.S., Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.
Lizardi, Humberto, Assoc. Prof., Psych.: B.A., State Univ. of New York at Binghamton; M.A., Ph.D., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook.
Locke, Anna, Doct. Lect., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: M.A, Northwestern Univ.; Ph.D., Montclair State Univ.
Lombano, Yaneth, Lect., Soc. Wk.: B.A., Queens Coll.; M.S., Columbia Univ.; M.Phil., A.B.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Lopez, Gustavo E., Prof., Chem.: B.S., Univ. of Humacao; Ph.D., Univ. of Mass. at Amherst.
Loscocco, Paula, Prof., Engl.: B.A., Smith Coll.; Ph.D., Boston Coll.
Luerssen, Anna, Assoc. Prof., Psych.: B.A., New York Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley.
Lundy, Theresa, Asst. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., M.S., Lehman Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Lyons, Alyssa, Lect., Soc.: B.A, Lehman Coll.; M.A., Teachers Coll; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Machado, Elia, Assoc. Prof., Earth, Env. & Geo. Spat. Sci.: B.S., M.S., Univ. of Granada, Spain; M.A., Ph.D., Clark Univ.
MacKenzie, Jennifer, Lect., Engl.: B.A., Wesleyan Univ.; M.F.A., Univ. of Iowa.
Magaldi, Danielle, Assoc. Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.S., Quinnipiac Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., Fordham Univ.
Mahon, James, Prof., Philos.: B.A., Trinity Coll., Dublin; M.Phil., Univ. of Cambridge; Ph.D., Duke Univ.
Mandal, Pratyusha, Asst. Prof., Biol. Sci.: Haldia Instit. of Technology, West Bengal, India, B. Tech; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., Indiana.
Maney, J. Bret, Assoc. Prof., Engl.: A.B., Harvard Coll.; M.A., Univ. of Paris; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Penn.
Manier, David, Assoc. Prof., Psych.: B.A., Univ. of Chicago; M. Div., Harvard Univ.; Ph.D., New School for Soc. Research.
Marianetti, Marie, Assoc. Prof., Hist.: B.A., M.A., Cal. State Univ. at Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Southern Cal.
Markens, Susan, Assoc. Prof., Soc.: B.A., Brandeis Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles.
Markey, Eileen, Asst. Prof., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., Fordham Univ.; M.S., Columbia Grad. School of Journalism.
Martín, Óscar, Assoc. Prof., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., Univ. de Deusto-Bilbao, Spain; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Wisc.
Martinez, Herminio, Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., Manhattan Coll.; M.S., St. John's Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Mathews, Blessly, Lect./Clin. Coord., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: M.A., Lehman Coll.; M.S., Fordham Univ.; A.B.D., MGH Institute of Health Professions.
Matthew, Mary, Lect./Simulation, Nurs.: B.S., Ravishankar Univ., India; B.S., Nursing, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, India; M.A., Guru Ghasidas University, India; M.S., Lehman Coll.
Maybee, Julie, Prof., Philos.: B.J., B.A., Carleton Univ.; Ph.D., Cornell Univ.
McCabe, Jennifer, Assoc. Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.S., State Univ. of New York at Oneonta; M.F.A., The New School.
McCarthy, Sean, Assoc. Prof., Art: B.F.A., Univ. of Texas at Austin; M.F.A., Yale Univ.
McEwen, Kevin, Lect., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.S., Hampton Univ.; MA., New York Univ.
McGovern, Justine, Assoc. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.A., Yale Univ.; M.A., New York Univ.; M.S.W., Ph.D., New York Univ., Sch. of Social Work.
McGregor, Donna, Asst. Prof., Chem.: B.A., Hunter Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent. and Hunter Coll.
McKenna, Christine, Lect., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley; M.S., Columbia Grad. School of Journalism.
McNeil, Cameron L., Assoc. Prof., Anthro.: A.B., Occidental Coll.; M.A., Univ. of Conn.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Mewani, Apeksha, Asst. Prof., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.Sc., Univ. of Manchester, U.K.; M.A., M.S., Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Mifflin, Margot, Prof., Engl.: B.A., Occidental Coll.; M.A., New York Univ.
Mills, Pamela, Prof., Chem.: B.S., George Washington Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisc.—Madison.
Mohorcich, Joseph, Asst. Prof., Pol. Sci.: B.A., Occidental Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ.
Molina-Velez, Kasielis, Sr. Coll. Lab. Tech., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Univ. of Puerto Rico; M.S.: Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Molnar, Allan, Lect., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Univ. of Mary—Bismarck.
Montaño, Francisco, Asst. Prof., Lang. & Lits.: B.A., Princeton Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana Univ.
Mora, Alma, Lect., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., Universidad de Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, M.A., New York Univ. in Madrid; M.Phil., New York Univ.
Morales-Alexander, Yasmin, Assoc. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.A., MS.Ed., Lehman Coll.; Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Moran, Madeline H., Prof., Soc.: B.A., Barnard Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Fordham Univ.
Morell, Zoila, Assoc. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.A., Nyack Coll.; M.S.W., Fordham Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Morgan, Brian, Sr. Coll. Lab. Tech., Earth, Env. & Geo. Spat. Sci.: B.A., Lehman Coll.
Morkoski, Molly, Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Univ. of North Carolina; M.A., Indiana Univ.; Ph.D., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook.
Moroianu, Sarah, Lect., Biol. Sci.: B.S., SUNY Coll. of Environment Science and Forestry; Ph.D., Rutgers Univ.
Moronta, Diana, Instr., Coord. Info. Lit., B.A., Hunter Coll.; M.L.S., Pratt Inst.
Moy, Olivia, Assoc. Prof., Engl.: B.A., Princeton Univ.; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Muguercia, Carmen, Lect./Simulation, Nurs.: B.S., M.S., Lehman Coll.
Munch, Janet Butler, Prof., Spec. Coll. Libr.: B.A., Mercy Coll.; M.L.S., Pratt Inst.; D.L.S., Columbia Univ.
Muntzel, Martin, Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Lewis & Clark Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Oregon Health Sci. Univ.
Murphy, Brian, Assoc. Prof., Computer Sci.: B.S., M.S., Lehman Coll.
Murrell, Anthony, Lect., Econ., & Bus.: B.S., Lehman Coll.; M.B.A., Univ. of Phoenix; C.P.A., New York State.
Muturia, Faith, Lect., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., Univ. of Nairobi; M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State Univ.
Nadadur, Sandhya, Asst. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., Delhi Univ.; M.Sc-F.N.P., Pace Univ.; D.N.P., Coll. of Staten Island, CUNY.
Nadeem, Shehzad, Assoc. Prof., Soc.: B.A., James Madison Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at San Diego.
Nathanson, Melvyn B., Prof., Math.: B.A., Univ. of Penn.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Rochester.
Navarro, Alberto, Lect., SEEK Advisement and Counsel.: A.A., New York City Com. Coll.; B.A., M.A., City Coll. of New York; M.S., Lehman Coll.; Ph.D., New York Univ.
Neumayer, Christine L., Lect., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.A., M.A., Lehman Coll.
Ngo-Ngijol Banoum, Bertrade B., Assoc. Prof., Afr. Stud.: B.A., Univ. of Yaounde—Cameroon; M.Litt., Univ. of Edinburg—Scotland; Ph.D., Univ. of Essex—England.
Noueihed, Salah, Chief Coll. Lab. Tech., Anthro.: B.A., Lehman Coll.
Nunez-Torres, Alexander, Assoc. Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.S., Santo Domingo Inst. of Tech; Ph.D., Univ. of Puerto Rico.
Nurse-Clarke, Natasha, Assoc. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., Hunter Coll.; M.S., SUNY Downstate; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Oberlin, Douglas, Asst. Prof., Exc. Sci. & Rec.: B.S., M.S., Univ. of Missouri; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, Postdoc, Icahn School of Medicine.
O'Boy, Deirdre, Lect., Eng.: B.A., Pace Univ.; M.A., Fordham Univ.
O’Connell, Mary, Lect./Simulation, Nurs.: B.S., SUNY at Stony Brook; M.S., Mercy Univ.
O'Connor, Naphtali, Assoc. Prof., Chem.: B.S., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal.
O'Dowd, Matthew, Assoc. Prof., Phys. & Astron.: B.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Melbourne.
O'Hanlon, Thomas, Assoc. Prof., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., Fordham Univ.; M.F.A., Hunter Coll.
O'Neil, Collin, Assoc. Prof., Philos.: B.A., Luther Coll.; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley.
Ó hÍde, Tomás Prof., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., St. Mary's Univ., Texas; M. Phil., Ph.D., Univ. of Dublin (Trinity Coll.); Dip., Univ. of Ireland, Galway.
Ohmer, Sarah, Assoc. Prof., Lat. Amer. & Latino Stud.: Ph.D., Univ. of Pittsburgh.
Owen, Megan, Asst. Prof., Math.: B.S., Queens's Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell Univ.
Pan, Victor, Dist. Prof., Computer Sci.: Ph.D., Moscow State Univ. (Russia)
Pant, Hari, Assoc. Prof., Earth, Env. & Geo. Spat. Sci.: B.S., Tribhuvan Univ. (Nepal); M.S., Univ. of Aberdeen (Scotland); Ph.D., Dalhousie Univ. (Canada).
Papanikolaou, Nikolaos, Assoc. Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.S., Salem State Coll.; M.A., City Coll.; M.Phil., Ph.D., New School for Social Research.
Parris, LaRose, Assoc. Prof., Afr. Stud.: B.A., New York Univ.; M.A., City Coll. of the City Univ. of New York; Ph.D., CUNY Grad Cent.
Paul-Cavaretta, Anthony, Sen. Coll. Lab. Tech., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.F.A., LIU Post; M.F.A., Purdue Univ.
Payán Martín, Juan Jesús, Assoc.. Prof., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Univ. Cádiz, Spain; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles.
Peach, Roger, Asst. Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., The Univ. of London; M.A., The Univ. of Auckland; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Pelisson, Anne, Lect., Exc. Sci. & Rec.: B.A., SUNY Oswego; M.S.Ed., Lehman Coll.; C.T.R.S., Natl. Council of Therapeutic Rec.
Petkov, Rossen, Assoc. Prof., Eco. & Bus.: B.A., Univ. of Rochester; M.P.A., Univ. of Texas at Austin; Ph.D., Univ. of National and World Economy.
Pettipiece, Deirdre, Prof., Engl.: B.A., Cal. State Univ. at San Bernardino; M.A., Cal. State Univ. at Pomona; Ph.D., Arizona State Univ.—Tempe.
Phillips, Mary, Assoc. Prof., Afr. Stud.: B.S., Michigan State Univ.; M.A., The Ohio State Univ.; Ph.D., Michigan State Univ.
Phillips, Ruby, S.C., Assoc. Prof., Psych.: B.A., Pomona Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Ill.
Pinhasi-Vittorio, Limor, Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: M.A., New York Univ.; Ph.D., Hofstra Univ.
Pitts, Wesley, Assoc. Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., M.A., City Coll. of New York; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Ponteen, Erica, Asst. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.A., Pace Univ.; M.S.W., New York Univ.; Ph.D., Fordham Univ.
Prince, Penny, Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.M., M.M., Manhattan School of Mus.; Ph.D., New York Univ.
Pryiomka, Karyna, Doct. Lect., Psych.: BA., M.A., John Jay Coll. of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Pyone, Jin, Asst. Prof., Mngt. & Bus. Innov.: B.A., Ewha Womans Univ.; M.S., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell Univ.
Qafleshi, Darina, Chief Coll. Lab. Tech., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Academy of Arts, Tirana, Albania; M.A.T., Lehman Coll.
Qian, Gaoyin, Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., East China Norman Univ.; M.A., Shanghai International Studies Univ.; M.S.Ed., Southwest Missouri Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Georgia.
Quinlan, Rena, Lect., Biol. Sci.: B.A., M.A., Lehman Coll., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Quiñones, Joseph, Asst. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.A., Lehman Coll.; M.S.W., Fordham Univ.; A.B.D., Adelphi Univ.
Raaum, Ryan, Assoc. Prof., Anthro.: B.S., Univ. of Calgary; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Rachlin, Joseph W., Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.S., City Coll. of New York; M.S., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Ramírez Rojas, Marco, Assoc. Prof., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., Univ. Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia; Ph.D., Univ. of Ottawa, Canada.
Redenti, Stephen, Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Southern Connecticut State Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Hunter Coll.
Reid, Anne, Assoc. Prof., Psych.: B.S., Univ. of Toronto; M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Renique, Jose Luis, Prof., Hist.: B.A., Univ. Catolica del Peru; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Renshon, Stanley A., Prof., Pol. Sci.: B.A., Rutgers Univ.; M.A., American Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania.
Reyes, Darcel, Assoc. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., Lehman Coll., B.S., Coll. of New Rochelle; M.S., Hunter Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Rice, Anne, Assoc. Prof., Afr. Stud.: B.A., Smith Coll.; M.A., Lehman Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Rivera, Orlando, Lect., Exc. Sci & Rec.: B.S., College of Saint Rose.; M.S., William Patterson Univ.; Ph.D., Seton Hall Univ.; C.S.C.S., Natl. Strength and Conditioning Assoc.
Rivera-McCutchen, Rosa, Assoc. Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.A., M.A., Univ. of Rochester; Ph.D., New York Univ.
Roberts, Laura, Assoc. Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.S., Indiana Univ. of Penn.; M.S., Baruch Coll.; M.S., Mercy Coll.; Ph.D., Univ. of Mich.
Robertson, Andrew W., Assoc. Prof., Hist.: B.A., Franklin & Marshall Coll.; Ph.D., Oxford Univ.
Rodriguez, Ada, Lect., Econ. & Bus.: B.S., Lehman Coll.; M.B.A., Columbia Univ.
Rofrano, Frances, Assoc. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.S., Seton Hall Univ.; M.S. Ed., State Univ. of New York at New Paltz; Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Rojas Villa, Sebastian, Lect., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Univ. Claude Bernard, France.; M.S., Ph.D., Univ. of Rochester.
Roldos Prosser, Maria Isabel, Assoc. Prof., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.A., Univ. of San Francisco of Quito; M.P.A., New York Univ.; M.A., Georgia State Univ.; Dr.Ph, Univ. of Georgia.
Rosas, Martha, Asst. Prof., Early Childhood. & Childh. Ed.: B.A., Vassar Coll.; M.S., City Coll. of New York; Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Rosenberg, Lynn, Lect., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.S., M.S., Buffalo State Coll.
Ruiz, Philip Anthony, Lect., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., Fordham Univ.; Cert., Film Prod., New York Univ.; M.A., New York Univ.
Rupp, Stephanie, Assoc. Prof., Anthro.: B.A., Dartmouth Coll.; M.Ed., Harvard Univ.; M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale Univ.
Saen-de-Casas, María del Carmen, Assoc. Prof., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., Univ. Seville, Spain; M.A., Univ. of Michigan; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Sagardía-Jiménez, Magdalena, Lect., Lat. Amer. & Latino Stud.: B.A., Univ. of Puerto Rico; M.A., M.Phil., New York Univ., M.Phil., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Sailor, Kevin, Prof., Psych.: B.A., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois.
Saint-Louis, Nicole, Assoc. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.S., Univ. of Scranton; M.S.W., D.S.W., Univ. of Penn.
Sakaji, Mari, Lect., Langs. & Lits.: B.A., Binghamton Univ.; M.P.A., New York Univ.
Salamandra, Christa, Prof., Anthro.: B.A., M.A., New York Univ.; D. Phil., Univ. of Oxford.
Sall, Dialika, Asst. Prof., Soc.: B.A., Pomona Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Samuel, Lalitha, Prof., Exc. Sci. & Rec.: B.S., Delhi Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., G.B., Pant Univ.
Sanders, Deborah, Lect., Mngt. & Bus. Innov.: B.S., Univ. of Delaware; M.B.A., Columbia Univ.
Sanford, Victoria, Prof., Anthro.: B.A., Cal. State Univ. at Sacramento; M.A., San Fran. State Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford Univ.
Sankaran, Renuka, Assoc. Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.S., M.S., Univ. of Madras, India; M.S., Ph.D., Southern Illinois Univ.
Sanlatte Reyes, Cristian, Coll. Lab. Tech., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Univ. of Puerto Rico.
Sauane, Moira, Assoc. Prof., Biol. Sci.: M.S., Ph.D., National Univ. of Bueno Aires, Argentina.
Schlesinger, Kenneth, Assoc. Dean, Chief Librarian, Prof.: B.A., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley; M.F.A., Yale Univ.; M.L.S., Pratt Inst.
Schmidt, Tyler, Assoc. Prof., Engl.: B.S., Univ. of Wisc. at Madison; M.A., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Schneiderman, Robert, Assoc. Prof., Math.: B.A., City Coll. of New York; Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley.
Schoenfeld, Brad, Prof., Exc. Sci. & Rec.: Ph.D., Rocky Mountain Univ.
Schwittek, David, Assoc. Prof., Art: B.A., State Univ. of New York at New Paltz; M.F.A., Parsons Sch. of Design.
Seiger-Gardner, Liat, Assoc. Prof., Speech-Lang.-Hearing Sci.: B.A., Tel-Aviv Univ.; M.A., Queens Coll.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Senreich, Evan, Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.A., D.D.S., M.S.W., Ph.D., New York Univ.
Seplowin, Charles J., Assoc. Prof., Art: B.F.A., New Hampshire Univ.; M.F.A., Rhode Island Sch. of Design.
Sepulveda-Pacsi, Alsacia, Assoc. Prof., Nurs.: B.S., Long Island Univ.; M.S., Coll. of Mount Saint Vincent; D.N.S., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Serrano, Meagan, Lect., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: M.A., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Sethi, Umrao, Asst. Prof., Philos.: B.A., Columbia Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley.
Shreiber, Chanoch, Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: LL.B., Hebrew Univ.—Israel; LL.M., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Sisselman-Borgia, Amanda, Assoc. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.A., State Univ. of New York at Albany; M.S.W., Adelphi Univ.; Ph.D., State Univ. of New York at Albany.
Skolnik, Janet, Lect., Art: B.A., Brooklyn Coll.; M.F.A., Pratt Inst.
Sloan, Heather, Assoc. Prof., Earth, Env. & Geo. Spat. Sci.: B.S., State Univ. of New York at Albany; M.A., Univ. of Cal. at Santa Clara; Ph.D., Univ. of Paris.
Smith, Sunyata, Lect., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., Ph.D., Albert Einstein Coll. of Medicine; CUNY Grad. Cent.
Smith-Munson, Joye, Asst. Prof., Middle and H.S. Ed.: B.S., Univ. of North Carolina; M.A., Ed.D., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Sofianos, Eva, Lect., Computer Sci.: B.S., M.S., Lehman Coll.
Sormani, Christina, Prof., Math.: B.A., New York Univ.; Ph.D., Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sci.
Spence, Naomi, Prof., Soc.: B.A., Univ. of New Orleans; M.S., Ph.D., Florida State Univ.
Spencer, Robyn C., Assoc. Prof., History: B.A., State Univ. of New York at Binghamton; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Stein Smith, Sean, Assoc. Prof., Acctg.: B.S., M.S., M.B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.; D.B.A., Capella Univ.
Stopler, Marina, Lect., Hea. Promo. & Nutr. Sci.: M.S., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.
Stuckart, Daniel, Assoc. Prof., Middle & H.S. Ed.: B.A., Univ. of Wisconsin; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of South Florida.
Suarez, William, Asst. Prof., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.Sc., MSc., Univ. of Puerto Rico; Ph.D., Univ. of Bradford, U.K.
Suphal, Bernice, Asst. Prof., Head of Tech. Serv.: B.A., M.A., Brooklyn Coll., M.L.S., Queens Coll.
Suri, Tanupreet, Lect., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: M.S., Long Island Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of New Mexico.
Szabo, Zoltan, Prof., Math.: Ph.D., Szeged Univ.—Hungary.
Tauber, Linda, Lect., Acctg.: B.A., New York Univ.; M.B.A., Baruch Coll.; C.P.A., Texas.
Tegeder, Dannielle, Prof., Art: B.F.A., State Univ. of New York at Purchase; M.F.A., Art Inst. of Chicago.
Tiryaki-Sonmez, Gul, Prof., Exc. Sci. & Rec.: B.S., Gazi Univ.—Turkey; M.S., Oklahoma State Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of New Mexico.
Tochika, Asako, Lect., Langs. And Lits.: B.A., Lehman Coll., M.A., Columbia Univ.
Towery, Terry, Prof., Art: B.S., Florida State Univ.; M.F.A., Univ. of Florida.
Utzinger, Robert, Lect., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.S., Elizabethtown Coll.; M.A., Rutgers Univ.
Valentine, Robert T., Lect., History: B.A., The Citadel; M.A., Fordham Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of South Carolina.
Van Allen, Jennifer, Assoc. Prof., Cslg., Ldrshp., Lit., & Sp. Ed.: B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., Univ. of Central Florida.
Vanderbilt, Kym, Asst. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.S., Empire State, SUNY; M.S. City Coll. of New York.
Vann, Maurice, Asst. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.A., M.A., Univ. of Baltimore; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Vicente, Karen, Lect., Soc. Wk.: B.A., M.A., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook; M.S.W., A.B.D., Hunter Coll.
Vinjamuri, Mohan, Assoc. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.S., Univ. of Virginia; M.A., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ.; M.S.W., Hunter Coll. Sch. of Social Work; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Walker, Stephen, Asst. Prof., Head of Access Serv.: B.A., Iona Coll.; M.L.I.S., Long Island Univ.; M.S.Ed., Baruch Coll.
Walia, Dhipinder, Lect., Engl.: B.A., Queens Coll.; M.F.A., Adelphi Univ.
Wang, Chun-I, Asst. Prof., Chem.: B.S., Ph.D., National Chung Cheng Univ.
Wang, Hsien-Tseng, Asst. Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.S., M.S., National Central Univ., M.B.A., Baruch Coll.; Ph.D., M.Phil., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Wang, Smee, Doct. Lect., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Shanghai Conservatory of Music; M.M., Univ. of Denver; Ph.D., Univ. of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
Warde, Bryan, Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.S., York Coll.; M.S.W., Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Waring, Elin, Prof., Soc.: B.A., Swarthmore Coll.; M.A., Ph.D., Yale Univ.
Washington, Michele, Lect., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.S., Manhattanville Coll.; M.S., Lehman Coll.
Waterson, Michael, Lect., Biol. Sci: B.A., Washington Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan.
Watson, Karl, Chief. Coll. Lab. Tech., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.A., Univ. of Rhode Island; M.A.T., Lehman Coll.
Watson-Turner, Susan, Prof., Mus., Multimed., Theatre, and Dance: B.F.A., Ohio Univ.; M.F.A., Columbia Univ.
West, Christina, Chief Coll. Lab. Tech., Biol. Sci.: B.A., Lehman Coll.
White, Amy, Asst. Prof., Hea. Equity, Admin. & Tech.: B.A., Brown Univ.; M.S., Harvard Univ.; Ed.D., A.T. Still Univ.
White, Marisa, Lect., Journalism and Med. Stud.: B.A., Fordham Univ.; M.S., Coll. of New Rochelle.
Wilder, Esther, Prof., Soc.: B.A., Univ. of Mass. at Amherst; M.A., Ph.D., Brown Univ.
Williams, Henry, Lect., Afr. Stud.: M.Phil., CUNY Grad Cent.
Williams-Gray, Brenda, Assoc. Prof., Soc. Wk.: B.S.W., Adelphi Univ.; M.S.W., Fordham Univ.; D.S.W., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Wills-Jackson, Celestial, Asst. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.S., SUNY at Old Westbury; M.S., Queens Coll.; Ph.D., Univ. of Central Florida.
Wooldridge, William, Assoc. Prof., History: B.A., Swarthmore Coll.; M.A., Univ. of Washington; Ph.D., Princeton Univ.
Wright, Robin, Lect., Hea. and Human Serv. Libr.: B.A., Princeton Univ.; M.B.A., Baruch Coll./Mt. Sinai Sch. of Medicine; M.L.S., Pratt Inst.
Wu, Di, Asst. Prof., Fin., Info. Systems & Eco.: B.S., Pecking Univ.; M.S., Texas Tech Univ., Ph.D., M.Phil., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Wunder, Amanda, Prof., History: B.A., Wesleyan Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton Univ.
Wurtzel, Eleanore, Prof., Biol. Sci.: B.S., Ph.D., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook.
Wynne, Brian, Doct. Lect., Math.: B.A., Colgate Univ.; Ph.D., Wesleyan Univ.
Yavuz, Devrim, Assoc. Prof., Soc.: B.S., Middle East Technical Univ., Ankara, Turkey; M.A., Ph.D., McGill Univ.—Montreal.
Ye, Yuemei, Asst. Prof., Chem.: B.S., Wenzhou Univ.; Ph.D., Tongji Univ.
Yood, Jessica, Assoc. Prof., Engl.: B.A., Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ.; Ph.D., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook.
Yu, Ji, Assoc. Prof., Acctg.: B.A., Central China Normal Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., Univ. of Memphis.
Zack, Naomi, Dist. Prof., Philos.: B.A., New York Univ.; Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Zakin, Andrea, Assoc. Prof., Early Childh. & Childh. Ed.: B.A., Earlham Coll.; M.A., Hunter Coll.
Zeinalian, Mahmoud, Prof., Math.: B.S., Sharif Univ. of Technology; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.
Zheng, Zhi-Liang, Prof., Biol. Sci.: Ph.D., Ohio State Univ.; Postdoc., Univ. of Cal. at Riverside.
Zhong, Mingxian, Asst. Prof., Comp. Sci.: B.S., Wuhan Univ.; M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia Univ.
Zhou, Liang, Asst. Prof., Comp. Sci.: B.S., Tinghua Univ.; Ph.D., CUNY Grad. Cent.