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Study Abroad Opportunities

Lehman College encourages all students in every discipline to participate in study abroad opportunities. Students may choose to study abroad for a year or a semester. For students who prefer short-term study programs, there are numerous opportunities to study abroad during the summer or winter intersessions or during spring break.

Where can I go?

You can go anywhere! Lehman students have studied in places all over the world, including Argentina, Austria, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Ghana, Guyana, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Malawi, Mexico, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Trinidad, and Venezuela. Additional programs are constantly being developed to offer a wider geographical and content choice.

Do I need to speak another language?

Not necessarily! Short-term programs are often open to students without foreign language training. Year-long programs in countries where instruction is not in English may require some background in the relevant language.

Will studying abroad delay my graduation?

Not at all! Students that study abroad may earn part time credits (3-6 credits) or full time credits (12-18) toward their degrees, although not all study abroad programs are credit bearing. Some of our faculty-led study abroad opportunities are embedded in courses, and travel does not conflict with other courses.

How do I pay for study abroad?

Lehman students can finance their study-abroad time in several ways, which may include financial aid, loans, scholarships, and fellowships. Students may be eligible to use TAP, PELL, and loan awards to help finance their study abroad. In addition to financial aid awards, students interested in studying abroad on credit bearing programs can apply to the Chancellor’s Global Scholarship, a CUNY funded scholarship that can partially fund student’s program costs.

In recent years, a growing number of Lehman students have received Fulbright, Benjamin Gilman, Freeman Asia and the Chancellor’s Global scholarship for their studies abroad.

For further information, visit us in the Office for Global Engagement, Carman Hall, Room 337; 718-960-8345; Email: Study Abroad